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Open positions at Fanatics

$110k - $133k

1 day

Logo of the company Fanatics

Senior Data Analyst


New York, NYUSRemote Hybrid
$130k - $160k

1 day

Logo of the company Fanatics

Sr Analyst Technology Support


Remote HybridSan Mateo, CAUSRemote
$84k - $108k

28 days

$175k - $200k

3 days

$225k - $300k

3 days

$170k - $185k

20 days

$70k - $85k

21 days

Logo of the company Fanatics

SOX Auditor


New York, NYUSOntarioRemote
$77k - $101k

28 days

Logo of the company Fanatics

Sr Mgr Software Engineering


San Mateo, CAUSRemote Hybrid
$200k - $250k

30 days

$180k - $250k

9 days

Logo of the company Fanatics

Graphic Designer, Ad Sales


USOntarioNew York, NYRemote
$75k - $100k

16 days

Logo of the company Fanatics

Senior Technical Recruiter


New York, NYUSOntarioRemote
$130k - $165k

20 days

$150k - $180k

30 days

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