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Open positions at wisk aero

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Senior Systems Engineer

Wisk Aero

Mountain View, CARemote Hybrid
$156k - $184k

1 day

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Battery Control and Algorithm Lead

Wisk Aero

Mountain View, CARemote Hybrid
$226k - $266k

24 days

$205k - $241k

27 days

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Senior Software Engineer

Wisk Aero

Mountain View, CARemote HybridRemote
$147k - $173k

30 days

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Radar Staff Software Engineer

Wisk Aero

Mountain View, CARemote Hybrid
$180k - $212k

30 days

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Senior Staff Controls Engineer

Wisk Aero

Mountain View, CARemote HybridRemote
$214k - $251k

about 2 months

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Staff Simulation Engineer

Wisk Aero

Mountain View, CARemote Hybrid
$155k - $182k

about 2 months

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Staff Software Engineer, STS Tools

Wisk Aero

Mountain View, CARemote Hybrid
$173k - $204k

about 2 months

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Assistant Controller

Wisk Aero

Mountain View, CARemote Hybrid
$215k - $253k

14 days

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Supply Chain Manager

Wisk Aero

Mountain View, CARemote Hybrid
$143k - $168k

20 days

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

System Engineering Lead

Wisk Aero

Mountain View, CARemote Hybrid
$205k - $241k

27 days

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Talent Acquisition Manager

Wisk Aero

Mountain View, CARemote Hybrid
$205k - $241k

about 1 month

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Composite Design Engineering Professiona...

Wisk Aero

Remote HybridMontreal, CanadaCanada

22 days

Logo of the company Wisk Aero

Senior FTI Systems Engineering Professio...

Wisk Aero

Montreal, CanadaCanadaRemote Hybrid

24 days

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